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how to improve this perl/bash one-liner to deserialize json data

perl bash code-snippets

How do I write a watchdog daemon in bash?

bash shell daemon nohup

How are segmentation faults reported?

How do I check if a man page exists?

mv: cannot stat error : No such file or directory error

linux bash stat

How do I receive notification in a bash script when a specific child process terminates?

In Bash, it is okay for a variable and a function to have the same name?

bash variable-names

bash terminate on first fail

bash shell

Removing all duplicate entries in a field

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Streamline bash script?


Sub-commands with bash

bash subcommand

Running command within test statement in bash

bash shell

Is there a way to cd into a random directory in bash?

linux bash command-line

How to compare timestamp on files in bash scripting

bash shell

passing search string to grep as a shell variable

bash grep

How do I force-quit Git Bash? [closed]

windows git bash

convert a directory of images into a single PDF

What does "mv file1 *.file1" do?

linux bash mv

Reset / Reloading bash, completely (alias and function)

bash unix exec

globstar set in terminal not propagating to script

bash shell shopt