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mv: cannot stat error : No such file or directory error





I need to move the files of a directory to another directory.I get stat error when I used the following program.

for i in dir1/*.txt_dir; do
mv $i/*.txt  dir2/`basename $i`.txt

error message

mv: cannot stat `dir1/aa7.txt_dir/*.txt': No such file or directory
like image 577
charlie Avatar asked Feb 18 '23 23:02


2 Answers

Normally, when a glob which does not match any filenames is expanded, it remains unchanged. Thus, you get results like this:

$ rm .bak rm: cannot remove `.bak': No such file or directory

To avoid this we need to change the default value of nullglob variable.


    shopt -s nullglob

    for i in dir1/*.txt_dir; do
       mv $i/*.txt  dir2/'basename $i'.txt

Read more about it here: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/NullGlob

Hope this helps!

like image 54
sushant-hiray Avatar answered Feb 27 '23 11:02


mv $i/*.txt  dir2/`basename $i`.txt

This doesn't work when there are no text files in $i/. The shell passes the raw string "$i/*.txt" to mv with the unexpanded * in it, which mv chokes on.

Try something like this:

for i in dir1/*.txt_dir; do
    find $i -name '*.txt' -exec mv {} dir2/`basename $i`.txt \;
like image 29
John Kugelman Avatar answered Feb 27 '23 10:02

John Kugelman