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Memory leak in multi-threaded C++ application on Linux

We have a big multi-threaded C++ application running on Linux. We see that occupied by the application memory grows fast and believe there are some leaks. We have tried every tool we have (valgrind, DynLeak, Purify) but did not find anything. Since this application can run on Windows, we have also tried Bounds Checker. Did not help, too.

We need a new tool that can help. I've looked at Google Perfomrance Tools, MMGR by Paul Nettle, MemCheck Deluxe. None of them impressed me.

Is there anywhere a good tool for this task?

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GMichael Avatar asked Feb 21 '23 05:02


2 Answers

The definition of a memory leak in C/C++ is very specific: it is memory that has been allocated and then the pointer was overwritten or otherwise lost. Valgrind generally detects such cases out of the box, but things are not always that simple.

  • Your application could very well be still using that memory. In that case you might have what a Java programmer would consider a leak, e.g. entering data in a structure and rarely (or never) removing entries.

  • You might be measuring the memory usage of your memory incorrectly. On Linux memory usage measurements are not as straight-forward as they seem. How have you measured your memory usage?

  • You should consider using the application hooks (Valgrind calls them client requests) of whatever memory analysis tool your are using, to avoid the issue with reports only being issued at program termination. Using those hooks might help you pin-point the location of your leak.

  • You should try using a heap profiler, such as massif from Valgrind, to look for memory allocation locations with inordinate amounts of allocated memory.

  • Make sure you are not using a custom allocator or garbage collector in your application. As far as I know, no memory analysis tool will work with a custom allocator without user interference.

  • If your memory leak is massive enough to be detectable within an acceptable amount of application run-time, you could try a binary search of old revisions through your version control system to identify the commit that introduced the problem. At least Mercurial and Git offer built-in support for this task.

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thkala Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 05:03


If by "did not help" you mean it did not report memory leaks, it is quite possible you don't have one and just use more and more memory that is still referenced by pointers and can be deleted.

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Nemanja Trifunovic Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 05:03

Nemanja Trifunovic