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New posts in azure-web-roles

Can I access web.config from my Azure web role entry point?

Webrole is not starting and always busy

Azure - Extra small instance web role - ready for production?

Default OS family for the deployment

azure azure-web-roles

azure table : Duplicate partition key results in (409) conflict

How to obtain an SSL certificate for Azure Cloud Service

Swapping Azure Staging/Production environments with a SignalR Hub

Can I host WebRole and WorkerRole in same CloudService?

Unable to allocate the required address spaces

How can I allow other users to deploy to my Azure cloud services?

Azure Roles and Instances

Azure BLOB storage - Pricing and speed "Within the data center"

Client certificate authentication and CA certificate in Azure

Compile MVC and Pre-Compile Views And Deploy Into Azure WebRole

Deploying Multiple Web Roles and Worker Roles on a Single Azure Cloud Service