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New posts in azure-web-roles

Windows Azure Web-Role Caching (Preview) "hangs" makes the emulator stuck in deploy loop

Defining Scaling Threshold for Azure Web Roles

Azure Web Role - Long Running Request (Load Balancer Timeout?)

How do I import a public certificate to Windows Azure?

azure azure-web-roles

Azure Service Bus - Two Way Communication Performance Challenge

Azure - System startup task failed with exit code -532462766

azure azure-web-roles

Windows azure web role on local IIS

iis azure azure-web-roles

Number of instances needed for windows azure application

Setting Up And Using Web Deploy with Azure WebRole in Visual Studio (One-Click partial update)

What starts first Application_Start or WebRole's OnStart?

Windows Azure cannot perform a VIP swap between deployments that have a different number of endpoints


Ninject dependency for Ninject.Web.WebApi.OwinHost v3.2.x

How to have RoleEntryPoint.OnStop() called in Azure Compute Emulator?

Webrole - Multiple hostHeader on a single Binding?

How do I know if my Azure role instance VM was restarted?

azure azure-web-roles

Azure MVC Web Role does not use CSS when run under development fabric

azure azure-web-roles

Conflicting versions error adding ASP.NET MVC 3 Web Role to Windows Azure project

Error 109 WAT080 : Failed to locate the Windows Azure SDK 2.1 on Visual Studio 2013

azure azure-web-roles

Does running multiple Azure Cloud Service (Web Role) instances need a Load Balancer?

How does Microsoft Azure handle Session State?