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New posts in azure-configuration

How to find an Azure instance role size programmatically?

azure azure-configuration

Where do I store my Azure role settings that are not to be stored as plain text?

Azure cannot access connection string stored in app service configuration

Windows Azure, addressing instances and sticky sessions

Number of instances needed for windows azure application

Setting Up And Using Web Deploy with Azure WebRole in Visual Studio (One-Click partial update)

Webrole - Multiple hostHeader on a single Binding?

Azure Powershell cmdlets for 1.7, June 2012: what's happened to Get-OperationStatus?

Azure - dynamically discovering service web role url in stage

azure azure-configuration

Windows Azure Tools for Visual Studio csdef and cscfg do not match

How do deployment slot settings work on an Azure App Service?

What's the difference between OnStop() method and Stopping event in Windows Azure role?

Getting Error The argument 'nameOrConnectionString' cannot be null, empty or contain only white space with Azure Database

Is a Windows Azure worker role instance a whole VM?

azure azure-configuration

Approaches for (re)deploying code/bin files to (multiple) Windows Azure Virtual Machines

How can I test changing Azure service configuration settings at runtime locally?

Static IP address for Role in Windows Azure?

Azure Web Role configuration settings across environments

Is this how to set Context Connection String Using CloudConfigurationManager?

azure azure-configuration