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New posts in azure-devops

How to get client secret from existing Azure service principal

Azure DevOps reports PowerShell task as passed even with non-0 exit code

Azure DevOps Server - pause/resume all pipelines during maintenance window


New deployed azure function returns 404 Not Found error

How can I solve COPY failed: file not found in build context or excluded in Azure Pipeline?

How to debug Visual Studio Team Services unit tests

unit-testing azure-devops

Hosted build on VSO with Azure SDK 2.8 fails

How to use git lfs with Visual Studio Team Services hosted build agents

Transform web.config for Azure Website Deployment for each release environment

TFS On-Prem Build Agent Using Old Version Of NuGet.exe

My VSTS pull request shows diffs between two branches when none exist

git azure-devops

Is there a way to change the default thread culture in visual studio team service

Dotnet command failed with non-zero exit code on the following projects

build azure-devops

Cached Docker images on Hosted Linux Preview agent

docker azure-devops

Execute SQLCMD.exe from PowerShell in an Azure DevOps Release Pipeline

Azure Pipeline - Increment build number and display in web app

Self Hosted Agent not showing up under Agent pool dropdown

How to center an image in Azure DevOps

html azure-devops yaml

Azure devops users cant see repos even though they have full read/contribute permissions. How could we fix?


How do I trigger build and test on a pull request in azure devops?
