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Cached Docker images on Hosted Linux Preview agent

We are building docker image on VSTS by using VSTS Hosted Linux Preview agent. microsoft/aspnetcore-build image is used to build asp.net core application. Each time build is triggered, an agent is pulling microsoft/aspnetcore-build image from registry and it takes some time. We would like to avoid this, by specifying specific image pre-cached on agents.

Is there a list of container images that have been cached on Hosted Linux Preview agent? Such information is available for Hosted VS2017 agent, but not for Linux one.

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Pylyp Lebediev Avatar asked Jun 07 '18 08:06

Pylyp Lebediev

People also ask

Where is Docker image cache?

If you use the default storage driver overlay2, then your Docker images are stored in /var/lib/docker/overlay2 . There, you can find different files that represent read-only layers of a Docker image and a layer on top of it that contains your changes.

Are Docker images cached?

The concept of Docker images comes with immutable layers. Every command you execute results in a new layer that contains the changes compared to the previous layer. All previously built layers are cached and can be reused.

How do I stop Docker from caching?

Disabling caching You can do so by passing two arguments to docker build : --pull : This pulls the latest version of the base Docker image, instead of using the locally cached one. --no-cache : This ensures all additional layers in the Dockerfile get rebuilt from scratch, instead of relying on the layer cache.

2 Answers

No official article mentions it, I submit a user voice here: Docker image cache on Hosted linux agent that you can vote and follow.

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starian chen-MSFT Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 09:10

starian chen-MSFT

According to this documentation the complete list can be found in the following documents:

  • Details of Ubuntu 18.04 agent image *
  • Details of Ubuntu 20.04 agent image *

(*) The above are permalinks to a specific snapshot of code (dated 2022-03-26). For the most current data, switch to the "main" branch in GitHub. Note that files may disappear from the 'main' branch when image gets deprecated.

As of 2022-03-26, both images include the same set of pre-cached docker images which are:


This can also be confirmed by adding a simple task to the pipeline that runs docker image list. Here's an example of the command's output ran on Ubuntu-16.04 agent (before it was deprecated):

/usr/bin/docker image list
REPOSITORY                                           TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
node                                                 10-alpine           955e0e1f1a41        11 days ago         80.5MB
node                                                 10                  bb78c02ca3bf        11 days ago         908MB
node                                                 12-alpine           afd897e3184b        11 days ago         85.2MB
node                                                 12                  b6f455933a97        11 days ago         913MB
buildpack-deps                                       stretch             c82dad0a8baf        2 weeks ago         835MB
debian                                               9                   92416e205014        2 weeks ago         101MB
debian                                               8                   955c8f8160c2        2 weeks ago         129MB
alpine                                               3.8                 c8bccc0af957        3 weeks ago         4.41MB
alpine                                               3.9                 82f67be598eb        3 weeks ago         5.53MB
alpine                                               3.10                af341ccd2df8        3 weeks ago         5.56MB
jekyll/builder                                       latest              4605d94a6b36        4 months ago        564MB
alpine                                               3.7                 6d1ef012b567        11 months ago       4.21MB
mcr.microsoft.com/azure-pipelines/node8-typescript   latest              9a948d360778        16 months ago       595MB
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Paweł Bulwan Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 09:10

Paweł Bulwan