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Getting error "Node is not supported" using aws amplify datastore on react native and expo

403 Access Error returned from Browser possibly caused by AWS

How to check if user is confirmed in AWS Amplify?

Cognito custom claims missing with Amplify but not with Appsync Console

No current user for authenticated user in Amplify

What is the best way to secure Firebase API keys in a react app so it is not accessible publicly? [duplicate]

how to deploy successfully React app with nextjs to AWS Amplify?

Amplify.configure is not a function

'Failed to refresh tokens: Missing required parameter auth parameters.' - AWS Amplify Pull API

AWS Amplify - How to render components after sign in

Missing aws-exports.js always when building AWS Amplify React app with Amplify integrations

AWS Amplify REST API cannot find the API

AWS Amplify Cognito Auth error in Android app

Is it possible to customize default Sign Up, Sign In screens of aws-amplify-react-native package?

Passing current time in Javascript to GraphQL AWSDateTime column

Amplify: Failed to get profile: Profile configuration is missing for: undefined

'AmplifySignOut' is not exported from '@aws-amplify/ui-react'

Invoke Lambda function from Amplify-generated React App without using API Gateway

Unable to resolve "./aws-exports" from "App.js"

User Pool’s Attributes disabled with AWS Amplify Authentication module