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'Failed to refresh tokens: Missing required parameter auth parameters.' - AWS Amplify Pull API

I am building a VueJS App using AWS Amplify where I build the backend in the Admin UI, which is great and easy.

I added the Auth in my App through the command line, but I am building all the models through the AdminUI. Yesterday it was working great, I was doing amplify pull --appId XXXX --envName staging and it was pulling my latest models etc etc... but this morning, I get:

⠏ Fetching updates to backend environment: staging from the cloud.Failed to refresh tokens: Missing required parameter auth parameters. Failed to get credentials: Missing required parameter auth parameters.

Whenever I am performing the pull.

like image 702
abisson Avatar asked Feb 12 '21 16:02


1 Answers

This is a new bug by AWS... you need to do:

amplify logout --appID XXXXX

like image 106
abisson Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 18:10
