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New posts in aws-amplify-cli

Missing aws-exports.js always when building AWS Amplify React app with Amplify integrations

Amplify: Failed to get profile: Profile configuration is missing for: undefined

AWS Amplify & React - Module not found: Can't resolve '@aws-amplify/analytics'

AWS Amplify -- Cannot iteratively rollback as the following step does not contain a previousMetaKey: {"status":"WAITING_FOR_DEPLOYMENT"}


Delete the user pool added by AWS Amplify

How can I connect an existing app in the AWS Amplify Console with the AWS Amplify CLI?

AWS Amplify CLI CloudFront S3 Restrictions

How to set the trigger of a lambda function in amplify?

Amplify CreateApp Permission

How can I deploy a new version of an existing Amplify app using the AWS/Amplify CLI without user interaction?

Can I regenerate the amplify file team-provider-info.json?

Amplify configure