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New posts in amazon-iam

Is there any way to use IAM as a authentication "method" for PAM?

Allow AWS IAM user to launch only one ec2 instance

Can an aws IAM policy dynamically refer to the logged in username?

Policy enforcing S3 standard storage class

amazon-s3 amazon-iam

AWS CLI in Windows EC2 cannot use role to access S3

Setting up RDS (MySQL) database access using IAM to generate access tokens

AWS PHP SDK Filter Aws\Result Object

aws_access_key_id in aws lambda environment

How to access AWS Elasticsearch from Node JS

What is the ARN of an assumed role assumed by a Lambda function?

Refer AWS Account number inside IAM policy

AWS IAM EC2 policy limited to originating instance

AWS Lambda and IAM error on deploy: The role defined for the function cannot be assumed by Lambda

What action does iam:PassRole api perform?

AWS IAM: Credential report via CLI

AWS CredentialProviders fail to retrieve credentials in Fargate

Programmatically determine AWS account Id of a particular IAM user

Cloudformation unable to create resource policy for apigateway

Setting AWS Lambda as Principal in Permission Policy

AWS DMS - Database Migration Service SYSTEM ERROR MESSAGE:The IAM Role arn:aws:iam::<account_id>:role/dms-vpc-role is not configured properly