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New posts in aws-amplify

Build of React application on AWS Amplify fails in Amplify Console

Amplify Authentication (Cognito) - "Error in federating the token" during sign in

AWS Amplify: How to switch aws profile that amplify env is pointing to


How do you pass body data with an Amplify REST request?

How to avoid a 301 redirect loop when putting a CloudFront in front of AWS Amplify?

AWS Amplify uses guest credentials, not authenticated creds, in API requests

AWS Cognito services APIs? Amplify => Javascript SDK Angular app

How to get createdAt, updatedAt and owner fields from AWS Amplify generated GraphQL documents?

Sorting results in AWS Amplify GraphQL without filtering

graphql aws-amplify

How to deploy an AWS Amplify app from GitHub Actions?

AWS Cognito/Amplify returning empty refresh token

How to override Amplify theming with Material UI

Signing in with AWS amplify on React Native

AWS Amplify returns generic Network Error on any Lambda failure

How to fix amplify CLI error : "-bash: amplify: command not found"

AWS Amplify Auth: How to disable AmplifyConfirmSignUp?

How to use Cognito identity pool with UnAuthenticatd users in Amplify for Android

How to return the user's status within AWS's user pool using Amplify with Javascript?

AuthError - Error: Amplify has not been configured correctly