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New posts in autofac

Manage autofac container setup

Autofac - resolving component with parameters dynamically

c# autofac

Autofac with F#

c# f# autofac c#-to-f#

How to inject AutoMapper with Autofac?

Dependency Injection in HtmlHelper extension method?

Using what's the preferred way to combine Autofac and Dapper

Are .Register and .RegisterType equivalent (for classes with parameterless constructors)?

autofac - dependency injection into IHttpModule

How to register Services and Types that are in separate assemblies in AutoFac?

Autofac: How do you register a generic with multiple type arguments? Registering IGenRepo<T, TKey> with EFGenRepo<T, TKey>

DbContext not getting injected by autofac

Autofac - resolving through factory methods

How to have only some constructor parameters injected with Autofac combined with using an InjectionModule

.net registration autofac

How can you inject an asp.net mvc3 custom membership provider using Autofac?

Autofac with MVC 4 action filter property injection

Method not found: 'Void Caliburn.Micro.Bootstrapper`1..ctor(Boolean)'

Autofac error - No scope with a Tag matching 'AutofacWebRequest' is visible from the scope in which the instance was requested

Inject constructor with multiple same typed parameters

c# autofac

how to pass parameters on resolve time in autofac

c# autofac

Func<Owned<T>> vs Func<T> dependency