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New posts in auto

Recursive call in lambda (C++11) [duplicate]

Why should one never use auto&& for local variables?

Variable template in template class - unexpected error (possible bug?)

SFINAE and decltype(auto)

c++ auto decltype c++14

If function f() returns a pointer, which is correct: auto* v = f() OR auto v = f()?

c++ c++11 auto

Returning a const pointer to a const data member and the 'auto' keyword. A bit confused

When not to use `auto&&`?

Why auto is deduced to int instead of uint16_t

C++ auto on int16_t casts to integer

c++ c++17 auto decltype

`static constexpr auto` data-member initialized with unnamed enum

Is it possible to have an "auto" member variable?

c++ struct auto

Are there any realistic use cases for `decltype(auto)` variables?

How to use lambda auto parameters in C++11

c++ c++11 auto

Return type deduction for in-class friend functions

Function Templates vs. Auto Keyword

c++ templates auto

Why can't virtual functions use return type deduction?

Why does const auto &p{nullptr} work while auto *p{nullptr} doesn't in C++17?

c++ c++17 auto nullptr

Use of 'auto func(int)' before deduction of 'auto' in C++14

c++ function gcc c++14 auto

Correctly propagating a `decltype(auto)` variable from a function

Why does decltype(auto) return a reference here?

c++ auto c++14 decltype