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New posts in atomic

Atomic access to non-atomic memory location in C++11 and OpenMP?

c++ openmp atomic nonatomic

Why atomic_flag default constructor leaves state unspecified?

c++ constructor atomic

Is std::atomic<T> safe with interrupts when std::atomic<T>::is_always_lock_free is false?

c++ embedded interrupt atomic

C++ increment std::atomic_int if nonzero

c++ c++11 atomic

std::atomic not supported by clang?

c++ clang atomic stdatomic

Will relaxed memory order lead to infinite loop here?

How to multiply two values and store the result atomically?

fastest way to wake up a thread without using condition variable

Atomic Minimum on x86 using OpenMP

c++ x86 openmp atomic minimum

How to use thread safe shared variables in Haskell

Uniform initialization of an atomic struct?

Atomic decrement-and-test in C

c atomic c11 stdatomic

Synchronizing against relaxed atomics

Atomic GETSET on a hash in Redis

hash redis atomic

Is memory_order_acquire really sufficient for locking a spinlock?

c++ atomic

Threading and Thread Safety in C

Does value initialization work for atomic objects?

Fetch-and-add using OpenMP atomic operations

Java Atomic Variable set() vs compareAndSet()

C++ - How to initialise an array of atomics?

c++ arrays c++11 atomic