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New posts in associations

Ruby on Rails 3: Combine results from multiple has_many or has_many_through associations

How can I do complex entity associations queries in doctrine 2? (virtual entity)

Nested associations, how to prepare variables for views, rails

Rails 3 complex associations using nested_has_many_through

Self "HABTM" or "HasMany Through" concept confusion

UML Class diagram: difference between Navigation and Ownership

Sequelize js how to get average (aggregate) of associated model

Datamapper: Sorting results through association

NodeJS Sequelize: Association with alias [alias] does not exist on [model]

rails scope through has_many association

rails active record has_many foreign key after custom function

Nested Object w/ Checkboxes - mass-assignment even with accepts_nested_attributes_for?

has_and_belongs_to_many assocation is not working

Waterline associations, change foreign key?

iPhone file extension app association

Rails 3 find all associated records has_many :through

Rails order collection by attribute of associated model?

Jquery associate two arrays (key, value) into one array

NHibernate - access the ID of an associated object without lazy loading the whole object

before_destroy is not firing from update_attributes