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New posts in assignment-operator

What constructor or operator is used in a return (C++)

Can someone explain how the shorthand assignment operator actually works?

Nullable types and assignment operator

":=" changes another data.table [duplicate]

Protection again self-assignment

c++ assignment-operator

Can iterators from different containers be (re)assigned?

Why does assigning a dynamic object's member variable in a single statement cause a syntax error in PHP?

Use of placement-new operator and copy constructor instead of assignment operator

c++ multiple copy assignment operators

Assignment operator of std::variant of custom type with deleted special member functions?

Correct way of using TYPE REF TO data?

abap assignment-operator

Does the default assignment operator call operator= on all members?

Java assignment operator behavior vs C++

Constexpr implicitly declared functions

Deleted implicitly-declared copy assignment operator

Assignment operator, map and promises. What's wrong with that code ? Javascript

Are `=` and `<-` exactly the same in R? [duplicate]

r assignment-operator

Why does valarray assignment not resize assignee per the documentation?

How to utilize template copy&move constructor and assignment operator?

Compiler-generated copy/assignment functions for classes with reference and const members