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New posts in asp.net-web-api

console app HttpClient post to mvc web api

Throw or not throw the exception from the methods consumed by the ASP.NET Web API layer

ASP.NET WebApi Custom Serialization


Requested resource does not support http method "PUT"

Yet another ASP.Net WebAPI route not found

Invoking a web service - asmx - through a Microsoft Web API end point?

WebApi attribute routing defined on interface

Are all the web requests executed in parallel and handled asynchronously?

How could I make Fiddler capture HTTP requests made by my MVC app to my ASP.NET Web API?

Creating an MVC Controller Proxy for a Web API Controller

Dependency Injection when controller called from another controller

WebAPI PushStreamContent The remote host closed the connection

Cannot access a closed file when uploading to memory stream

WebAPI 2.0 Post and Delete Routes

Calling a Web api from another Web api

How to use Paginate method

Why can't configure Azure diagnostics to use Azure Table Storage via new Azure Portal?

Authorization with ASP.NET Identity & Autofac OWIN integration

REST webservice WebAPI - create endpoint based on multiple entities

How do I get claims included in my AuthTicket in a Web API Auth Service?