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New posts in argument-passing

OOP: Passing an object vs. passing attributes into a method

int foo (int argc, ...) vs int foo() vs int foo(void) in C

variadic template arguments: can I pick reference vs value depending on type?

Pass $@ to a function in a shellscript

Smart way to pass arguments in Fortran 90

Groovy named and default arguments

Java vs C++ for passing arguments

java c++ argument-passing

User-Function, formals object defined but not found by code

Cost of using repeated parameters

Functions with a flexible list of ordered/unordered and labeled/unlabeled inputs in MATLAB

Passing increment/decrement operator to a function

Pass and access structures using objective-c

Keyword argument in unpacking argument list/dict cases in Python

python argument-passing

What are the differences between parameter definitions as (type& name), and (type* name)?

c++ argument-passing

Trying to pass CGrect to performSelector withObject

Different behaviour for generic method return value to method and to assignment

How do I call a function with a variable number of parameters?

Pass argument to leiningen readable by project.clj

C++ how to pass 'this' to pointer reference

Efficient memoization in Python