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Applying function to consecutive subvectors of equal size

r split grouping apply

How to apply the same command to a list of variables

r apply

Which R implementation gives the fastest JSD matrix computation?

Apply function row wise to pandas dataframe

python pandas function apply

How do I avoid loops in R?

r loops apply

Pandas unique values per row, variable number of columns with data

python pandas dataframe apply

R apply statement does not work with a matrix

r matrix sum apply

R: Fastest way to do row wise computation on multiple columns of a data frame

r function dataframe apply

Replacing nested loop in R

r nested-loops apply

How to use apply() with a function that takes more than one input?

r function apply

Apply over rows of data.table: find rows where a subset of columns are all NA

r data.table apply na

Can't figure out error in lapply

r apply lapply

apply different functions to different elements of a vector in R

r optimization apply

This example seems to break the type sig for $, and it works [duplicate]

haskell types map apply

How to read in multiple data tables into R using apply function?

r apply lapply read.table

JavaScript call() and Prototype - Slice Function

javascript call slice apply

Help me replace a for loop with an "apply" function

r loops for-loop apply

[R]: applying a function to columns based on conditional row position

How can I wrap every every express route handler with another function

Creating a new column which is a vector of other columns

r apply lapply dplyr