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apply function to every element in data.frame and return data.frame

r dataframe element apply

Why does peak memory usage increase when there are more elements to loop/apply over?

Pandas apply to dateframe produces '<built-in method values of ...'

Why does df.apply(tuple) work but not df.apply(list)?

Applying pnorm to columns of a data frame

r loops apply

Using Function.prototype.apply to set javascript callback scope

javascript scope apply

How does the [].push.apply work?

javascript recursion apply

This works in Chrome but not IE, why?

Why does sapply return a matrix that I need to transpose, and then the transposed matrix will not attach to a dataframe?

Replace loop with one of the functions of the "apply" family

r loops apply

Prepend argument to arguments then apply

How to apply a function to each element of a vector in R

r vector apply

Python Pandas - Index' object has no attribute 'hour'

python pandas apply

Pandas Dataframe Check if column value is in column list

Why do I get an AttributeError when using pandas apply?

How do I count the number of words in a text (string)?

regex r apply sapply

pandas, apply with args which are dataframe row entries

python pandas apply args

Apply a match and replace function over series of rows in a dataframe in order

r dataframe apply

Multi-steps forecasting with dplyr and do

r dplyr apply forecasting

which list element is being processed when using snowfall::sfLapply?