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How to apply a function not returning a numeric value to a pandas rolling Window?

using data.table with multiple threads in R

which.min by row without apply

r apply min

Applying function (ks.test) between two data frames colum-wise in R

pandas apply() with and without lambda

pandas lambda apply

controlling seeds with mclapply

Apply many functions to one vector

r apply

apply a function to each row of the dataframe

python pandas apply

Dataframe apply doesn't accept axis argument

python pandas dataframe apply

R: rownames, colnames, dimnames and names in apply

r function base apply

AttributeError: 'PandasExprVisitor' object has no attribute 'visit_Ellipsis', using pandas eval

python pandas eval apply

Javascript pass array of arguments using `apply()`, but keep `this` reference from `call()`

javascript call apply

multiply each cell of a data.frame with it's weight

r dataframe apply

More efficient way to clean a column of strings and add a new column

python pandas apply

Scala: companion objects and "new" keyword

scala new-operator apply

How do I set column names to lower case for multiple dataframes?

r apply

What's the meaning to chain call and apply together?

javascript function call apply

Optimization: splitting dataframe into a list of dataframes, transforming data per row

r optimization apply

How to apply rolling functions in a group by object in pandas

R: specifying a string as an argument of a function that calls another function

function r apply do.call