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New posts in application-pool

Why Even Recycle an Application Pool?

Set Application Pool for package using MSDeploy

IIS 7.5 application pool uses wrong %APPDATA% for custom user as identity

Why does the application pool automatically stop? [closed]

IIS 7.0 gives 503 error and stops the application pool

HTTP Error 500.0 on StaticFile when using custom identity for AppPool

How to check whether an application pool exists or not in IIS using powershell and web administration module?

Is there a way to configure the Application Pool's "Idle timeout" in web.config?

Should I set ASP.NET application pool to auto-recycle?

AutoStart/Pre-warm features not working in IIS 7.5 / WCF service

What is best practice in IIS? One application pool for each application, or a shared application pool?

iis-7 application-pool

How to remotely check the status of a web application pool with PowerShell?

How to rename application pool that already has application assigned to it?

iis application-pool

How do I crash the App Pool?

asp.net application-pool

Create SQL Server Login for IIS APPPOOL - IIS and SQL Server on different machines

ASP.NET restarts when a folder is created, renamed or deleted

Use PowerShell to Create AppPool does not set AppPool Identity

How to tell why an IIS application pool is recycled

How are people solving app pool recycle issues on deployment with large apps?

Why do IIS application pools need to be recycled?

iis application-pool