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What is best practice in IIS? One application pool for each application, or a shared application pool?

In IIS 7, what is best practice? Should I create an application pool for each application, or should I share an application pool with as much application as possible?

Are there any performance drawbacks or security issues related to one of the options?

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jao Avatar asked Sep 26 '11 09:09


People also ask

Can multiple applications have same application pool?

[ Also on InfoWorld: The best open source software of 2021 ]You can have multiple applications residing in an application pool with each of them sharing the worker process. You can have several applications share the same worker process, or, one worker process per application.

Why would you need more than one application pool in IIS?

When using multiple application pools, you can use different Windows accounts on each application pool. This can not only enhance security, but it can also help when trying to track down performance issues. Pros: Your sites will be isolated from each other.

What is application pool and what is the main use of application pool?

An application pool defines a group of one or more worker processes, configured with common settings that serve requests to one or more applications that are assigned to that application pool.

What is default application pool in IIS?

For every application pool you create, the Identity property of the new application pool is set to ApplicationPoolIdentity by default. The IIS Admin Process (WAS) will create a virtual account with the name of the new application pool and run the application pool's worker processes under this account by default.

1 Answers

Each application pool is an instance of W3wp.exe, a worker process for that site or set of sites. By placing each application in a seperate app pool, you ensure that problems that could potentially cause problems within the app pool do not cause problems with other applications. There is obviously an overhead to operating like this in terms of resources.

So generally, for simple sites and blogs I usually put these in a shared app pool. For more intensive or important applications, I seperate into individual app pools. This is just a guide to how I operate.

I believe IIS7 now creates seperate app pools when you create a web site (not 100% though).

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Chris Pont Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09

Chris Pont