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Email Sender Image from Google+ Account

Not able to Execute AppleScript within "Mail" application

Apple Mail plist entry to load remote content

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How to create apple mail plugin for Mac OS X [closed]

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Developing HTML email newsletter, refreshing Apple Mail

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Import local Apple Mail.app messages (.emlx) into mutt [closed]

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Strange behavior with embedded highDPI images in Apple Mail 7.0

how to customize NSTokenField like in "To/ CC" fields in mac mail?

How to use a password from the keychain within an applescript running within Mail.app?

How to debug plugin source code in Xcode?

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How to set the sender of the current Mail.app outgoing message via AppleScript?

Documentation on Apple Mail's .emlx data structure(s) (for conversion purposes)?

Does Mail.app support plugins (API)?

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imap - get attached file

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How to Highlight Text in Yellow Using Apple Mail