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How to debug plugin source code in Xcode?

I am new to creating plug-ins for the Apple Mail Application, and I want to create Apple Mail plugin for OSX.

I have created a project under "Installer Plug-in" (Application Plug-in -> Installer Plug-in) in Xcode, but I can't debug that project like a simple iOS application.

Is it possible?

If it is possible then please help me.

like image 798
Muhammad Rizwan Avatar asked Oct 17 '12 13:10

Muhammad Rizwan

People also ask

How do I debug my code in Xcode?

To set up your breakpoint, you simply need to open a project in Xcode or Android Studio, and click close to the code line number. That's how it looks in Xcode. You'll see a blue arrow appear, indicating that the execution will pause when it reaches that point.

Does Xcode have a debugger?

The Xcode debugger provides several methods to step through your code and inspect variables. You can precisely control execution of your code from a breakpoint, stepping into and out of called functions as necessary to determine where your bug occurs.

What is debugging executable in Xcode?

The “Debug executable” checkbox specifies whether or not you want to run with the debugger enabled. Once running, you can use Debug > Attach to Process on a process that has been launched with debugging disabled if needed. It seems like all this does is start your app with the debugger attached.

1 Answers

I have find the solution of this problem.

Just follow the steps for debug the Plugins code in Xcode.

Step 1 = Go to Edit scheme in your Xcode and go to Edit scheme = >. enter image description here

Step 2=Select Run and info tab from side window and select Executable Application from the drop down list (in my case Mail app from Application->Mail)

Keep your application running ant try to debug your Plugin source code....... its works for me fantastic..

like image 85
Muhammad Rizwan Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Muhammad Rizwan