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Does Mail.app support plugins (API)?

Does Mail.app (Mac) have an API where developers can create plugins for Mail?

I'm confused by an official Knowledge Base article Apple wrote that states:

Apple does not support the installation or use of third-party plugins with Mail.app. Third-party Mail plugins are located in ~/Library/Mail/Bundles and /Library/Mail/Bundles.

So plugin's are located in /Bundles, but they are not supported?

I'm confused.

like image 896
Jacjoi Avatar asked Aug 01 '11 14:08


1 Answers

"Not supported" just means literally: "We don´t care if it breaks anything, so continue at your own risk - we won´t fix or support it". There are Bundles around, and I think the best overview you can find if on the "Hawk Wings" Website.

Indeed, Apple doesn´t offer a public API, it keeps it private. This blog entry tries to explain in quite some detail how to work with that private API nevertheless, and maybe could provide a good starting point for you.

like image 133
Asmus Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 17:10
