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How to create apple mail plugin for Mac OS X [closed]

I want to make apple mail plugin but I don't know anything like!

  1. From where to start?
  2. which application in Xcode I suppose to chose for Apple mail plugin (In create new Project)
  3. Can we develop this thing in Objective-C? or need other thing to know.
  4. Is there any Tutorial for this issue?

I also find for this issue on stack but not getting proper help I Also look on How to create Apple mail plugin

on stack overflow but not satisfied with the answer.

Thanks for any Suggestion or Help.

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Muhammad Rizwan Avatar asked Oct 16 '12 11:10

Muhammad Rizwan

1 Answers

There is no official plugin support in the Mail.app. Apple is pretty restrictive with its applications.

Anyways, there is a project which integrates PGP since years into Mail.app and its still supported by the original developer.

Check GPGMail. The source is freely available via GitHub and should give you a first overview or and project template for Mail.app plugins.

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SMP Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 16:10