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App Store Review, login-enabled apps? [closed]

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How to open the subscriptions page of the App Store app programmatically?

Will IAP non-consumable products keep working if I pull my binary from the AppStore?

How long before an app review shows up in iTunes Connect?

Restore transactions for Non-renewing subscriptions without registration

What's the difference between an Xcode wild card and a com.domain.name App ID?

Are @3x images mandatory?

App Store Expedited Review has been accepted and i rejected/resubmitted binary [closed]

Submitting the app with Xcode 7.0.1

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Cannot remove external testers in iTunes Connect [closed]

Archived IPA size for Appstore is larger then Adhoc

Why is our app size increasing drastically with little change of function?

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Invalid Bundle - App Store Rejection

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Can anyone provide examples of Adobe Air compiled iOS apps? [closed]

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What, if any "screw it up permanently" situations are there in the App Store certificate/key-pair code signing process?

Can't click "Ready to Upload Binary" due to IDFA

Update iOS App Store What’s New while in review?

Possible to create watch face for Apple Watch?

Apple App Store - Pending Agreement status

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How to limit iOS app in store to 4S and iPad 3 only

ios app-store