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New posts in app-store

Publish an iOS app and pay less than 99$/year through "generic publisher"?

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Application rejected due to 8.5: Use of protected 3rd party material

Can I use iOS App version as x.x.x.x while uploading to apple store?

What is Xcode's Organization Identifier?

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Submit multiple iOS apps with same code base

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XCode 8.0, Building for Store Submission, Errors

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iOS App ID - In App Purchase Disabled (Can't be enabled)

How to remove these mangled selectors from iOS app

ERROR : This app was built with the iOS 12.0 SDK. Starting March 2019, all iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 12.1 SDK

Why Duplicate the “Release” configuration to "Distribution"?

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My app supports armv6 and armv7 in the app store. I want to remove armv6. How to solve a problem

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iOS company name for distributing apps to App Store

Bundle identifier for individual program

Multilingual app in App Store; use two versions - or use apple localisation? (special case)

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Can you change the name of an app after its been submitted to the app store?

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Protecting Apps with Apache Cordova MS VS Extension on App Stores

Submit and Validade button disabled on archive

How can I replace ios native app in app store with new app write by react native

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Invalid architectures Xcode 10

Average time for approval of iPhone application on Appstore [closed]

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