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renaming apk in gradle

android gradle apk

How to solve no conscrypt_openjdk_jni in java.library.path error?

APK size increased 35mb when bumping min SDK from 21 to 24

Flutter: What is the difference between the apk/release directory and flutter-apk directory under build/app/outputs?

android flutter build apk

How to restrict an APK not to get installed in Android Emulator/Simulator but in real device?

How to generate Android app bundle in React Native?

android react-native apk

How do I get the versionCode and versionName (badging) of an Android AAB file?

What happens to comments after the java files are compiled in Android?

How to open apk files

android apk avd

Proguard with google-play-services

Error while uploading apk on playstore

Changing the package name of an upgraded Android application

Value for 'keystore' is not valid. It must resolve to a single path

android command-line apk

Problems testing APK expansion library

How to run apk file on Mac via Bluestacks

android macos apk bluestacks

How to show icon of apk in my File manager

android icons apk

I have forgotten my keystore password and I want to install my apk on Google Play. What do I do?

android google-play apk

How can I detect whether an Android APK has debuggable set to true or false in its manifest without installing it?

Extract app icon from apk file [closed]