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Value for 'keystore' is not valid. It must resolve to a single path

i am trying to build apk from command line with ant. I am able to create build in debug mode while getting this error when i run in release mode for signing the apk file with the key store generated.

my local.properties file look like this


  D:\Android-Sdks\tools\ant\build.xml:1132: The following error occurred 
while executing this line:

D:\Android-Sdks\tools\ant\build.xml:1144: Value for 'keystore' is not 
valid. It must resolve to a single path
like image 835
cavallo Avatar asked Jul 12 '13 12:07


3 Answers

i got the same problem with you.

you miss the "\" at key.store value

Note: key.store=C:\\Users\\l.keystore

like image 84
miloisbadboy Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 19:10


@cavallo answer is incorrect

It is not at all mandatory for keystore to be in the same folder. The solution for you might have worked because the relative path would contain any slashes to be escaped.

Don't mislead others by accepting wrong answers of yours.

like image 4
Sudhir Mishra Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10

Sudhir Mishra

This was resolved by the keystore and the project has to be on the same folder... thats what it means by saying It must resolve to a single path..resolved myself....kudos

like image 3
cavallo Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 19:10
