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New posts in apache-zeppelin

Display multiple data points in single chart


Zeppelin - Cannot query with %sql a table I registered with pyspark

com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Jackson version is too old 2.5.3

Configure Zeppelin's Spark Interpreter on EMR when starting a cluster

Zeppelin SqlContext registerTempTable issue

org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException error while Reading large JSON file in zeppelin scala

How to set spark.driver.memory for Spark/Zeppelin on EMR

How to run zeppelin notebook from command line (automatically)


Moving Spark DataFrame from Python to Scala whithn Zeppelin

Reading Avro File in Spark

Convert between spark.SQL DataFrame and pandas DataFrame [duplicate]

zeppelin with sparkr is not displaying dataframe as table

sparkr apache-zeppelin

Spark throws java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found: 67

export data in csv using zeppelin


Permission denied: user=zeppelin while using %spark.pyspark interpreter in AWS EMR cluster

How can I select a stable subset of rows from a Spark DataFrame?

Saving/Exporting the results of a Spark SQL Zeppelin query

How to use Plotly with Zeppelin

Apache zeppelin tutorial, error "sql interpreter not found"

Zeppelin change port already in use by Spark Master