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Convert between spark.SQL DataFrame and pandas DataFrame [duplicate]

Is that possible to

convert from to pd.DataFrame

under %pyspark environment ?

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Hello lad Avatar asked Jan 24 '17 11:01

Hello lad

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How you can convert a Spark DataFrame if DF to a Pandas DataFrame?

Spark provides a createDataFrame(pandas_dataframe) method to convert pandas to Spark DataFrame, Spark by default infers the schema based on the pandas data types to PySpark data types. If you want all data types to String use spark. createDataFrame(pandasDF. astype(str)) .

Is PySpark DataFrame different from pandas DataFrame?

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1 Answers




Returns the contents of this DataFrame as Pandas pandas.DataFrame.

This is only available if Pandas is installed and available.

And if you want the oposite:

spark_df = createDataFrame(pandas_df)
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Thiago Baldim Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Thiago Baldim