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Error: not found: value lit/when - spark scala

I am using scala, spark, IntelliJ and maven.

I have used below code :

val joinCondition = when($"exp.fnal_expr_dt" >= $"exp.nonfnal_expr_dt",

val score = exprDF.as("exp").join(scoreDF.as("score"),joinCondition,"inner")


val score= list.withColumn("scr", lit(0))

But when try to build using maven, getting below errors -

error: not found: value when


error: not found: value lit

For $ and === I have used import sqlContext.implicits.StringToColumn and it is working fine. No error occurred at the time of maven build.But for lit(0) and when what I need to import or is there any other way resolve the issue.

like image 633
Avijit Avatar asked Sep 20 '16 11:09


1 Answers

Let's consider the following context :

val spark : SparkSession = _ // or val sqlContext: SQLContext = new SQLContext(sc) for 1.x
val list: DataFrame = ???

To use when and lit, you'll need to import the proper functions :

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, lit, when}

Now you can use them as followed :

list.select(when(col("column_name").isNotNull, lit(1)))

Now you can use lit also in your code :

val score = list.withColumn("scr", lit(0))
like image 131
eliasah Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10
