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Scala constructor abstraction

The following is possible in Scala:

scala> val l = List
l: scala.collection.immutable.List.type = scala.collection.immutable.List$@7960c21a

scala> l ( 1, 2, 3 )
res0: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

In other words, Scala has higher-order polymorphism. I would like to use higher-order polymorphism to do the following.

sealed abstract class A { def eval () : A }
case class A0 () extends A { ... }
case class A1 ( a : A ) extends A { ... }
case class A2 ( a : A, b : A ) extends A { ... }

So I have a bunch of case classes, subclasses of A, whose constructors don't necessarily take the same numbers of arguments. I also would like to have a 'generic' case class, something like this:

case class ApplyA ( c : ???, l : List [ A ] ) extends A {
   def eval () : A = { ??? } }

The idea is that ApplyA takes as first argument a constructor for something that is a subtype of A, and a list of arguments. The eval method then constructs an appropriate class with the constructor if possible (i.e. the list has the right length) and returns it (this corresponds to l ( 1, 2, 3) in the List example above). What would be the type of the argument of the first constructor for ApplyA?

This should be possible with higher-order polymorphism, but I could not work out how. I know that I can do this even without using higher-order polymorphism by simply wrapping constructors in functions and then passing these functions as first argument to the constructor for ApplyA, but I'd like to understand how to use higher-order polymorphism directly.

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Martin Berger Avatar asked Nov 25 '11 14:11

Martin Berger

People also ask

Can abstract class have constructor in Scala?

Scala traits don't allow constructor parameters However, be aware that a class can extend only one abstract class.

How do you create an abstract method in Scala?

In Scala, an abstract class is constructed using the abstract keyword. It contains both abstract and non-abstract methods and cannot support multiple inheritances. A class can extend only one abstract class. The abstract methods of abstract class are those methods which do not contain any implementation.

Can we instantiate abstract class in Scala?

Also, you cannot instantiate Scala abstract class. In simple words, you cannot create an object of it. A class can only inherit from one Scala abstract class.

What is difference between abstract class and trait in Scala?

The first difference was already mentioned: classes are limited to inherit from a single abstract class but can inherit from multiple traits. Another important difference is that abstract classes allow specifying constructor parameters. Traits do not allow us to do the same.

2 Answers

@alexey_r is quite right that your List example doesn't involve higher-order polymorphism. But if you're prepared to use some type-level heavy artillery you can abstract over the arity of your A{0,1,2} constructors to get something that looks quite close to what you're asking for.

The first point to note is that, as written, your 'generic' class can't possibly be implemented,

case class ApplyA(c : ???, l : List[A]) ...

because there's no compile time checkable relationship between the arity of the constructor c and the length of the list l. We can fix that problem by replacing the List with an HList and helping ourselves to a conversion from ordinary functions with arbitrary arity to functions with a single HList argument,

import shapeless.HList._
import shapeless.Functions._

sealed abstract class A { def eval() : A }
case class A0 () extends A { def eval() = this }
case class A1 ( a : A ) extends A  { def eval() = this }
case class A2 ( a : A, b : A ) extends A  { def eval() = this }

case class ApplyA[C, L <: HList, HF](c : C, l : L)
  (implicit hl : FnHListerAux[C, HF], ev : HF <:< (L => A)) extends A {
    def eval () : A = hl(c)(l)

val a : A = A0()

val a0 = ApplyA(A0.apply _, HNil)
val a1 = ApplyA(A1.apply _, a :: HNil)
val a2 = ApplyA(A2.apply _, a :: a :: HNil)

The implicit argument hl : FnHListerAux[C, HF] provides a conversion from your constructor, whatever it's arity, to a function from a single HList argument. And the implicit argument ev : HF <:< (L => A) witnesses that the length of the supplied HList of constructor arguments is of the correct length (and types FWIW, but that's barely relevant in this example).

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Miles Sabin Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 23:10

Miles Sabin

The problem is that the List example doesn't involve any higher-order polymorphism at all. List.apply just takes a variable number of parameters:

def apply(xs: A*)

Higher-order polymorphism involves methods, or types, which take type constructors as type parameters, e.g.

def fmap[F[_], A](x: F[A]): F[B]

So no, you can't do it using higher-order polymorphism.

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Alexey Romanov Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 00:10

Alexey Romanov