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How to run zeppelin notebook from command line (automatically)

  1. How do we run the notebook from command line?

  2. Further to 1, how would I pass command line arguments into the notebook? I.e. access the command line args from within the notebook code?

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thousif ahmed Avatar asked Mar 28 '16 05:03

thousif ahmed

People also ask

How do I run a zeppelin notebook?

After creating a notebook, you can either run the required paragraphs by using the Run option for a paragraph or run all paragraphs by using the Run All Paragraphs option. If your cluster is running Zeppelin 0.8 or a later version, then all the paragraphs of the notebook are run sequentially.

How do I know if Zeppelin is running?

​Validating Zeppelin You can also check the status by opening the Zeppelin host with the port number that you configured for it in zeppelin-env.sh in a web browser: for example, http://zeppelin.local:9995 .

How do I open Zeppelin notebook locally?

Open Zeppelin in your browser by navigating to http://localhost:8080 . In Zeppelin in the browser, open the drop-down menu at anonymous in the upper-right corner of the page, and choose Interpreter. On the interpreters page, search for spark , and choose edit on the right.

2 Answers

So I had the same issue and managed to work out how to use the API to run a notebook using curl. As for passing in command line arguments think there is simply no way to do that - you will have to use some sort of shared state on the server (e.g. have the notebook read from a file, and modify the file).

Anyway this is how I managed to run a notebook, it assumes jq is installed. Pretty involved :(

curl -XGET http://${ip}:8080/api/interpreter/setting | jq '.body[] | .id'

interpreter_settings_ids=`curl -XGET http://${ip}:8080/api/interpreter/setting | jq '.body[] | .id'`

id_array="["`echo ${interpreter_settings_ids} | tr ' ' ','`"]"

curl -XPUT -d $id_array http://${ip}:8080/api/notebook/interpreter/bind/${notebook_id}

curl -XPOST http://${ip}:8080/api/notebook/job/${notebook_id}

If someone has manually clicked the "save" button for the interpreter binding then only the last command is required.


OK I think you can loop to probe the status of the running notebook to determine if the notebook failed, see: https://github.com/eBay/Zeppelin/blob/master/docs/rest-api/rest-notebook.md

For example

function job_success {
    num_cells=`curl -XGET http://${ip}:8080/api/notebook/job/${notebook_id} 2>/dev/null | jq '.body[] | .status' | wc -l`
    num_successes=`curl -XGET http://${ip}:8080/api/notebook/job/${notebook_id} 2>/dev/null | jq '.body[] | .status' | grep FINISHED | wc -l`
    test ${num_cells} = ${num_successes}

function job_fail {
    curl -XGET http://${ip}:8080/api/notebook/job/${notebook_id} 2>/dev/null | jq '.body[] | .status' | grep ERROR

until job_success || job_fail
    sleep 10
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samthebest Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10


As of version 0.7.3 and perhaps earlier, Zeppelin has a REST API that lets you run notebooks. Your shell script can use curl to access the API.

The API includes methods to delete a paragraph and to insert a paragraph at a particular index. This allows you to express all your "parameters" as variables in paragraph 0 and then use them in later paragraphs. Make 3 calls to the REST API in this order:

  1. Delete the notebook's current paragraph 0.
  2. Insert a new paragraph containing variable assignments at index 0.
  3. Run the notebook.
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ChrisFal Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10
