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Is it possible to set global variables in a Zeppelin Notebook?

I'm trying to create a multi-paragraph dashboard using a Zeppelin notebook. I'd like people using the dashboard to only have to enter certain parameters once. E.g. if I'm making a dashboard with information about different websites, the dashboard user only has to select the particular website they want information about once and the whole multi-paragraph dashboard will update. Is this possible? How do I set global variables like this in a notebook?

To clarify, the parameter input that I intend to use for Zeppelin is referred to as "dynamic form".

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Danny David Leybzon Avatar asked Oct 28 '16 04:10

Danny David Leybzon

2 Answers

Using z.put and z.get can share variable over different notebooks.

z.put("name", "zeppelin")

Possibly combine with z.angularBind and z.angular to use it in dashboard. ref How to put a variable into z ZeppelinContext in javascript in Zeppelin?

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Rockie Yang Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 12:10

Rockie Yang

You can use notebook-level global variables in the SQL by using the syntax $${variableName} instead of ${variableName}. [Reference].

When you run one of the paragraphs that uses global variables, the global variable input fields will appear above all the paragraphs.

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Danny Varod Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 14:10

Danny Varod