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New posts in anonymous-function

Accessing private/protected properties of an object in anonymous function in PHP

php oop anonymous-function

Are Chrome user-scripts separated from the global namespace like Greasemonkey scripts?

No error when Delegate signature doesn't match

How to unsubscribe an anonymous function in Dispose method of a class?

how to determine number of arguments for a closure/anonymous function in PHP

In Scala, when would be a good time to use lazily evaluated parameter rather than to use a function as a parameter?

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of undefined

How to rewrite an example without the use of create_function?

PHP: function arguments' names

php anonymous-function

Is there another way to call this function besides using php's eval?

php eval anonymous-function

Type inference on anonymous functions with enrich-my-library

Loading google maps in anonymous function

Currying vs. anonymous function in Scala

Javascript prevent anonymous function?

How to use closures in Erlang?

Why are anonymous function expressions and named function expressions initialized so differently?

How different programming languages use closures?

how to return value to parent function from nested anonymous function

Implementing anonymous functions in Fortran

Can I use lambda expressions in JQuery?