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New posts in annotations

Do annotations apply to all variables in a declaration statement?

java annotations

Can't get @Component to be inherited in Spring?

java spring annotations

How to retrieve matched resources of a request in a ContainerRequestFilter

java annotations jersey jax-rs

How to write an Aspect pointcut based on an annotated parameter

What is the purpose of using @field:SerializedName annotation instead of @SerializedName?

Do Domain Classes usually get JPA or JAXB Annotations or both?

jpa annotations dns jaxb

How to debug Spring Security authorization annotations?

Configurable vs Component with Spring and AspectJ

Building a general DynamoDBMarshalling for enums

scala annotation argument needs to be constant but final val does not make it

incompatible types found: required: default enums in annotations

java spring ant annotations aop

Spring import application context from another project

Populate Spring Bean's File field via Annotation

spring file annotations

C# - Using Custom Annotations?

c# annotations

Injecting a static EJB, nonsense?

Recommendations for how to annotate PDFs while working within Emacs?

Code style with Annotations [closed]

Spring @Autowired confusion (container or session)

JAXB Ignore 'extra' elements from Response XML

java xml jaxb annotations

Issue persisting long strings with Hibernate