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New posts in annotations

Generating equals / hashcode / toString using annotation

@RequestBody optional (e.g. required=false)

spring-mvc annotations

@PostConstruct fails silently on a Grails Service

Is it possible to annotate class constructor in Kotlin

annotations kotlin

Provided id of the wrong type hibernate

How to tell Symfony 3 to ignore certain annotations?

annotations symfony

spring, hibernate and declarative transaction implementation: there is no active transaction

Hibernate custom join clause on association

java sql hibernate annotations

How do I set more than one index for a table in a doctrine 2 entity file (using annotations)?

Injection of autowired dependencies failed while using @Transactional

Create a Java Annotation with IDE contextual behaviour

Animate points with labels with matplotlib

Register converters and converterFactories with annotations in Spring 3

Intellij (or other) - Possible to see a graph/tree of all calls made in Java?

Can't I use annotation to indicate a bean is a primary bean

Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.UnknownEntityTypeException: Unable to locate persister

Managing Data Dependecies of Java Classes that Load Data from the Classpath at Runtime

MapView - Have Annotations Appear One at a Time