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Intellij (or other) - Possible to see a graph/tree of all calls made in Java?

I'm working on a project in Intellij Ultimate 14. I'm not looking to do a live debugging of the application to trace calls. The time it would take to follow all code paths would be insane. I'm hoping that Intellij has some kind of analysis tool that can provide me with all calls made within the project given a particular starting point or points. So if I start with method A(), and A calls B() and C(), and B calls D(), then I'd like to be able to have that information collected and exported/displayed somehow. I'd also like annotations on any method to be included and it would need to be able to resolve interfaces to implementations where possible (many interfaces have only one), or perhaps allow me to select an implementation if needed. I don't think Intellij has this sort of functionality built in beyond being able to find all callers/callees of a single specified method. Does such a tool exist?

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user1017413 Avatar asked Jun 09 '16 15:06


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1 Answers

In IntelliJ, when your cursor on a callable method name, pressing ctrl-alt-H will bring you to "call Hierarchy" window.

Same if you prefer menu: "Navigate->call Hierarchy"

like image 188
Kent Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
