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New posts in annotations

Hibernate 2nd level cache

Does @Test(enabled = false) work for a class in TestNG?

class annotations testng

Why I have to declare each and every class in my hibernate.cfg.xml when using annotations?

java hibernate annotations

NetBeans/Symfony2 gives "unused use statement" warnings when using FOSRestBundle namespaces

Order of automatically wrapped @Repeatable annotations

java annotations java-8

How do I put a circle with annotation in matplotlib?

environmental variables in host annotations

How can I create an annotation processor that processes a Local Variable?

java annotations

Hibernate @embeddable annotation equivalent for XML mapping file?

xml hibernate annotations

Is @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault applies to method return values too?

java annotations jsr305

Where are valid values defined for @Scope in web-aware and portal spring contexts?

Google Chart, how to move annotation on top of columns

Can I add a custom annotation to JAX-RS method to validate access?

java annotations jax-rs

How to access a field which is described in annotation property

Spring: controller inheritance using @Controller annotation

Spring: constructor injection of primitive values (properties) with annotation based configuration

org.hibernate.AnnotationException: @OneToOne or @ManyToOne on <entity> references an unknown entity

Compound keys in JPA

Default properties of Java Annotation

java annotations

Custom Method Annotation using Jersey's AbstractHttpContextInjectable not Working