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New posts in angularjs-ng-repeat

ng-options displays blank selected option, even though ng-model is defined

Angularjs - How to keep count of total iterations across nested ng-repeat in the template

Filtering with multiple checkboxes in angularJS

Modifying objects within Angular Scope inside ng-repeat

How to filter list using angularjs

Why do CSS transitions occur for unshift() and not for shift() in ng-repeat lists?

Best way to list 2 elements per row with ng-repeat in angular?

angular bootstrap tabs - select function called in page load

Angular.js change on one item of ng-repeat causing filters on all other items to run

Change background color with ng-Style

check if items inside ng-repeat already contains value

How do I use ng-animate in ng-repeat to shrink items on leave?

Assigning a filter to an object variable in Angular JS

loading large array in oi-select takes too much of time in angularjs

AngularJs - ngRepeat with a filter that returns a new object

How does ng-repeat work?

Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module error on Angular.js App on Apache

ng-repeat unknown number of nested elements

AngularJS InfDig error (infinite loop) with ng-repeat function that returns array of objects

How do you toggle an active state ng-class in an ng-repeat item using ng-click?