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Angularjs - How to keep count of total iterations across nested ng-repeat in the template

I have a fairly large object that needs to be iterated over in nested ng-repeat loops

A simplified version looks like this:

{{totalEvents = 0}}
<div ng-repeat="(mainIndex, eventgroup) in EventsListings">

    <li ng-repeat="event in eventgroup.events" ng-click="Current(totalEvents)">

    <div class="event-item-container" ng-show="eventDetailsView[totalEvents]">
        {{totalEvents = totalEvents + 1}}



{{totalEvents = 0}

How can I keep track of totalEvents counter value.. How can I get a total number of iterations across nested loops IN the template?

like image 396
GRowing Avatar asked Mar 27 '14 05:03


People also ask

How do I use track in NG-repeat?

To avoid this problem, you can use "track by" with ng-repeat. In track by you have to use angular expression that will be used to uniquely identify the each items in collection or model. "track by" tells the angular js that how angular js will track the association between DOM and the model (i.e. collection).

What can I use instead of NG-repeat?

But ng-repeat is not the right thing to use when you have large datasets as it involves heavy DOM manipulations. And you should consider using ng-repeat with pagination. You can consider using transclusion inside a custom directive, to achieve the behavior you are looking for without using ng-repeat.

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1 Answers

you can reach many value just using $index property of ng-repeat...


  <div ng-repeat="eventgroup in EventsListings" ng-init="outerIndex = $index">
      <li ng-repeat="event in eventgroup.events" ng-click="Current(totalEvents)">

        <div class="event-item-container">
          {{event.name}} can have unique value like 
          <br/>(outerIndex) * (eventgroup.events.length) + innerIndex
          <br/>Total Events = {{outerIndex * eventgroup.events.length + $index}}
          <br/>Inner Events = {{$index}}


here is working PLUNKER


After some times and some comments I realized that my code is not calculating total iterations correctly, so I made some changes to fix it.

First mistake I made somehow I thought event numbers will be equals for every set, second one if there are more than 2 sets again it fails.

So for keeping track of total iterations I set an array which is called totalIterations in code. In this array I set total number events we already iterate so far,

For example at the finish of first set it will be length of first event group and for second it will be first and second group, and so on... For achieving this I used ng-repeat-end directive here is the final code

<div ng-repeat="eventgroup in EventsListings" ng-init="outerIndex = $index">
      <li ng-repeat="event in eventgroup.events">

        <div class="event-item-container">
          {{event.name}} can have unique value like
          <br/>Total Events Count = {{totalIterations[outerIndex- 1] + $index}}
          <br/>Innder Events = {{$index}}

        <button class="btn btn-success" ng-click="Current({{totalIterations[outerIndex- 1] + $index}})">Current Event</button>

      <span ng-repeat-end ng-init="totalIterations[outerIndex] = totalIterations[outerIndex - 1] + eventgroup.events.length"></span>

and here is latest PLUNKER

like image 94
Poyraz Yilmaz Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 05:01

Poyraz Yilmaz