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New posts in angularjs-ng-repeat

Group item detail using AngularJs ng-repeat

how do i refer to the $index of the parent loop inside a nested ng-repeat?

How does filter work in AngularJS?

how to append items to the same row or line with ng-repeat

AngularJS ng-repeat and form validation

Generate dynamic form input fields and collect field data in an array

ng-repeat passing index value to a function

AngularJS, ngRepeat, and default checked radio button

ng-repeat orderBy keeping fixed top value

AngularJs ng-repeat with index

Jasmine unit tests: $compile produces comment out of ng-repeat

Can I use Angular variables as the source of an audio tag?

Bootstrap tooltip not rendering with angular ng-repeat

Angular-slick ng-repeat $http get

AngularJS nested ui-view into an ng-repeat

How to avoid refreshing ng-repeat DOM list when array is updated

how to sort an array of strings alphabetically with angular orderBy filter?

angularjs ngRepeat orderBy when property key has spaces

Deleting entry with Restangular

AngularJS ng-click event is not firing when inside nested ng-repeat