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Angular-slick ng-repeat $http get

I've been trying all the week end to display data (that I fetch with $http.get) in the slick angular carousel using ng-repeat, in vain...

I've read about the well known issue: here and here.

I tried to use the init-onload and data attributes, in vain...


<div ng-controller="LandingCtrl as ctrl">


<slick init-onload=true data="ctrl.products">
    <div ng-repeat="product in ctrl.products"><img src="{{product.image}}" alt="{{product.title}}"></div>



JS :

  .controller('LandingCtrl',['$http', function($http){

    var store = this;
    store.products = [];
      store.products = data;
      console.log(data); //display the json array


(myApp module is defined in my app.js file, I used yeoman to scaffold my project)

It would be great if you could help me.

like image 491
user4820423 Avatar asked Jul 05 '15 21:07


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2 Answers

I'd suggest you to use ng-if on slick element. That will only load slick directive only when data is present just by checking length of data.


<slick ng-if="ctrl.products.length">
    <div ng-repeat="product in ctrl.products">
       <img ng-src="{{product.image}}" alt="{{product.title}}"/>
like image 104
Pankaj Parkar Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 04:11

Pankaj Parkar

I use standard slick carousel, not angular version. You just have to wait for angular finish loading the data. 1 second or less is ok For example

                autoplay: true
        }, 1000);
like image 45
kecco Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 04:11
