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TinyMCE 4 add drop down menu to menu bar

I need to add another drop down menu next to "Tools" item in TinyMCE 4:

new item

The closest solution I found was this:

// Adds a custom menu item to the editor that inserts contents when clicked
// The context option allows you to add the menu item to an existing default menu

   setup: function(ed) {
      ed.addMenuItem('example', {
         text: 'My menu item',
         context: 'tools',
         onclick: function() {
            ed.insertContent('Hello world!!');

But it only adds an item to the already existing "Tools" menu.

like image 252
Tomarz Avatar asked Nov 21 '14 11:11


1 Answers

You can try to specify both 'menu' and 'menubar' option when you call tinymce.init() to add a new menubar item on the modern theme.

I tried it and it works.

You can check the live demo on http://fiddle.tinymce.com/39eaab/1 with TinyMCE 4.1.7.

<script type="text/javascript">
    selector: "textarea",
    menu : {
        file   : {title : 'File'  , items : 'newdocument'},
        edit   : {title : 'Edit'  , items : 'undo redo | cut copy paste pastetext | selectall'},
        insert : {title : 'Insert', items : 'link media | template hr'},
        view   : {title : 'View'  , items : 'visualaid'},
        format : {title : 'Format', items : 'bold italic underline strikethrough superscript subscript | formats | removeformat'},
        table  : {title : 'Table' , items : 'inserttable tableprops deletetable | cell row column'},
        tools  : {title : 'Tools' , items : 'spellchecker code'},
        newmenu: {title : 'New Menu', items : 'newmenuitem'}
    menubar: 'file edit newmenu',
    setup: function(editor) {
        editor.addMenuItem('newmenuitem', {
            text: 'New Menu Item',
            context: 'newmenu',
            onclick: function () { alert('yey!'); }

<form method="post" action="dump.php">
    <textarea name="content"></textarea>
like image 140
gunyarakun Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09
