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How to filter list using angularjs

I have an array of objects initially on load no filter should be applicable then on user selection combination list should be displayed accordingly.


I am not able to get what wrong did i done over here whole list i not displaying and only single selection works at a time. For single selection i used

 return $scope.filter[stat.userStatus] || noFilter($scope.filter);

I cannot make both selection work together.

like image 818
Kunal Vashist Avatar asked Dec 05 '14 09:12

Kunal Vashist

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1 Answers

Filters can be chained together, like so:

<div ng-repeat="item in mylist | filter:filterByStatus | filter:filterByRole">

The filters run from left to right, with each filter passing the filtered array to the next filter.

Here is a fork of Mark's fiddle, demonstrating this technique: http://jsfiddle.net/2671uggu/

like image 115
j.wittwer Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 00:10
